It’s the start of another school year and with the cooler weather come new adventures for many of our students. Dorentina has already visited our sites and is reporting high spirits from our Young Scholars and our intrepid site staff. The 7th graders are getting acclimated to middle school and the Young Scholars program as a whole. Our 9th graders are also in the midst of a major cultural transition to life at Proctor High.

Our students aren’t the only ones embarking on new adventures in this season of renewal. Alberto Garcia, YS ’16, has just joined as our team as a Proctor Site Assistant and we are so fortunate to have him. David Butler has assumed leadership of the Proctor room after a well deserved promotion to Site Supervisor. They will both be excellent teachers, in fact they already are!

Although I have been with Young Scholars for several months now, I am excited to start my first full school year as Executive Director of this incredible organization. As I take a moment to reflect on the past few months and all that lies ahead, I am so grateful for this opportunity and the leadership of both Dorentina and Mary who have made my transition so easy.

I am also thankful for ALL OF YOU, the vast network of people who care so much about Young Scholars. You are vital to the continued success of this program.

I intend to become more active on here, sharing the exciting developments taking place in Young Scholars and the accomplishments and challenges of our students. So please stay tuned. But also know that my lines of communication are always open and I would really love to connect with each of you! Drop a line or shoot an email anytime – 315-527-2233, [email protected].

